What we do ?

We help to grow  businesses via sales , marketing ,advertising , promotion , offers etc to achieve goals on the basis of commission / profits. 

Where we do business?

We conduct business in multiple locations, serving a wide range of customers through different offline / online sellers but we don't have any physical store.

what is CLAPS ?

CLAPS  Its just  an new extraordinary free benefits by the company which will you will get with product or services , whenever you buy products - services through us and register bill on our site. For eg. its like type of Cashback , rewarding point , super coins , neu coin , warranty etc which is available in market from different companies to attract customer .

where CLAPS benefits are available ?

when you take services or products from our registered service provider and register the bill to us.

How it works ?

It works like an cashback scheme plans but we don't  require or ask any extra charges for this services because its free with the products or services you take through us.

What in case benefits not received ?

It wont happen but in such case you need to understand that you have not invested for this services and its given in free of cost to you.

Can i claim / file case / complaint against company if benefits are less or not received ?

No , because its an free services to make your purchase more better by reducing the cost.

what is the company profit or interest in this ?

By helping other business achieve there goals we get profits and commission.

why company is doing this ?

For profits and For brand promotion so we can reach the people easily in the market.

From where company will pay the benefits ?

From the profits , commision earned from selling products , services , advertising , investments etc

Is it safe and secure services ?

Definitely Yes , because its free and without investment and provided by registered company.

Is it mandatory to take services with product purchase ?

Not at all , it depend on you.

From where company operates or have there office ?

Company operated from Pune , Maharashtra , India and works globally via online through outsourcing. For contact please refer to Contact us.

Do your company have your own e-commerce or any online store ?

Initially No , but our services is available at store which will be listed in our site. And we don't sell directly but we help sellers to make sales by providing customer extra benefits from our end.

Refund is available or not if we buy through your company ?

We are not responsible for refund and you need to check before receiving product or services. And refunds are available according to service provider companies terms and condition and you need to contact them.

What omnipotence cost and loss alleviation pvt ltd company do ?

We help business to get customers on the basis of profits and commission and also via providing our own claps free return benefits to customer in free of cost. 

In case of any issues can we visit office of ' omnipotence cost and loss alleviation pvt ltd '

Visits are only available by prior appointments and only in case issue is not resolved by our end. But not for refund / product change as for this you need to contact concern provider.

How to get clpas free returns ?

You need to apply on website ; www.claps24x7.com or www.jaradekhlo.com and  on post verification by seller than you will be receiving the document of  free cashback returns.